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oapl Paediatric Night Splint

oapl Paediatric Night Splint


 | SKU: 27321S

Regular price $152.00
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To immobilise ankle in plantar grade or slightly dorsiflexed position during rest. Foam padding and Lycra lined foam padded straps with centre release buckles. Kydex brace with EVA walking sole.

Indications: Relief or prevention of heel pressure areas,  prevention of plantar flexion contractures.

Wearing instructions: Use as directed by doctor,  physio or orthotist. Wear in slowly (2 hours at a time for the first 3-4 days) and release straps if intense calf pain or cramping occurs. Ensure the heel is as far back in the AFO as possible and secured in with firm straps. Can be worn with a sock.

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